Feis Rois Inbhich- Adult Feis Ross
Ullapool, 1-3 May 2004
IF YOU WERE looking for a quiet May Day weekend on the West Coast of Scotland last week, then Ullapool was NOT the place to be! This was the annual pilgrimage by hundreds of musicians and singers to pay homage at the Adult Feis Rois ‘tutorial’ weekend. Sometime one might wonder on ones travels over the weekend exactly what one was receiving tutoring in, but nonetheless, there were many things learnt!!
315 hardy participants received tuition in over 20 different instruments and singing, all graded to suit different levels of ability. This was a huge increase in the number of participants from last years record of 265, and Ullapool became Feis City for 3 days. The team of tutors was a veritable ‘Who’s Who’ list from the world of traditional music, and I don’t believe a finer list of musicians is to be had anywhere else in the world.
Where else can a complete beginner have tuition from the likes of Charlie McKerron, Jim Hunter, Maeve McKinnon or Dougie Hunter, just to name a few at random? All the tutors gave of their best in terms of musical tuition during the day and continued into the night by leading sessions and the fantastic final Tutors Concert.
The Feis is by no means an easy weekend for tutors – they very definitely earn their pennies here! But equally, the tutors have a great time too, and really seem to appreciate the chance to share their skills and have a chance to let their hair down too!
The ‘team’ were all looked after superbly as always by the very hard working Feis crew, headed as always by the Feis Grande Dame, Rita Hunter. Their efforts are much appreciated – down to the head and shoulder massages provided at lunchtimes!!
The Feis was graced with the company this year of the Minister for Culture, Frank McAveety, who toured the classes and sessions, and was even persuaded to participate in a session on the guitar. He certainly seemed to enjoy the huge buzz which was apparent throughout the village and also the high standard of tuition which was evident in all the venues.
The Adult Feis has certainly changed in its appearance since it was launched by Jim Gaitens 14 years ago, when it was first held in Dingwall Primary School with approximately 30 participants. If it continues to grow at this rate – and there is every indication that it will – it will soon join the ranks of the biggest folk festivals in the world.
It is inevitable that the nature of the Feis will change as numbers grow, but as long as people accept that fact and adapt their own expectations, then hopefully everyone will continue to have ball AND learn more each year. The villagers and shopkeepers of Ullapool must certainly welcome the burst of additional income at the start of the tourist season – and as for the pub and hotel keepers.…
© Fiona MacKenzie, 2004