Five Challenges Visual Arts Report
1 Oct 2006 in Visual Arts & Crafts
Laying Down the Challenge
A new study commissioned by HI~Arts, the arts development agency for the Highlands and Islands, sets Five Challenges for the continuing development of the Visual Arts in the Highlands and Islands
In recent times the Visual Arts have experienced remarkable growth. Artist groups, studio trails and private galleries are now a significant part of Highlands and Islands life economically, socially and culturally. Cultural access and the development of creative industries will be defining issues in the region’s future.
Recognising the importance of the Visual Arts to education, economic growth, community regeneration, and tourism development, HI~Arts commissioned Georgina Coburn, a regular contributor to HI~Arts’ Internet journal Northings, to undertake a comprehensive study into the current state of the visual arts in the Highlands and Islands.
Throughout the summer of 2006 Georgina travelled the length and breadth of the area, personally interviewing over 270 artists, curators, gallery managers and arts officers. Her resulting report sets Five Challenges in the fields of: Communication, Infrastructure, Professional Practice, Education and Vision.
Major Visual Arts Gathering Event – November 2006
These Challenges were the topics for debate at a major Highlands and Islands Visual Arts Gathering which HI~Arts is held at the Macphail Centre in Ullapool on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th November 2006. This two day artist led event was an exciting opportunity for artists, gallery owners, curators, arts workers and arts educators to exchange ideas, share experience and shape an agenda for future Visual Arts development in the region.
Chaired by artist Frances Walker and artist/composer Marc Yeats the two-day programme explored a wide variety of key issues for the visual arts of the Highlands and Islands, as well as providing a valuable opportunity for the regions’ artists to network with their peers. Over one hundred artists and arts workers from the region took part in this landmark event.
Key speakers included Clive Gillman (DCA, Dundee), Roxane Permar (Veer North, Shetland), Claudia Zeiske (Deveron Arts, Huntly), Anne Douglas (On the Edge, Aberdeen), Andrew MacLean (Curator, Mount Stuart, Argyll) Denise Collins (Castle Gallery, Inverness) and Mhairi Killin (Aosdana Gallery and Studio, Iona). Organisations represented at the event included Highland Open Studios, Skye & Lochalsh Arts & Crafts Association, Visual Arts Sutherland and Uist Art on the Map and Ullapool-based arts organisation an talla solais.
The “Five Challenges” report and papers from the Gathering are available below.
Five Challenges Visual Arts report
Visual Arts Gathering 2006 pants comments
Visual Arts Gathering 2006 response-Jean Noble
Visual Arts Gathering 2006 response-Georgina Coburn
Visual Arts Gathering 2006 presentation-Towards a Highland Gallery
Visual Arts Gathering 2006 presentation-Roxane Permar
Visual Arts Gathering 2006 presentation-Randy Klinger
Visual Arts Gathering 2006 presentation-Rachel Skene
Visual Arts Gathering 2006 presentation-Dumfries and Galloway
Visual Arts Gathering 2006 presentation – Clive Gillman
Visual Arts Gathering 2006 notes – Matilda Tumin
Visual Arts Gathering 2006 notes – Denise Collins
Visual Arts Gathering 2006 notes – Mount Stuart
© Georgina Coburn, 2006