An Sulaire Log

29 Jun 2007 in Outer Hebrides, Writing

Poet at the Helm

IAN STEPHEN had planned to run the log of his sail on an Sulaire from Stornoway via the International Artists Worksop on Tanera Mor to the Moray Flotilla as a weblog on Northings, but technology and attention to sailing Scotland’s potentially treacherous seas intervened Instead, we present Ian’s log in its entirety here as a downloadable pdf file.

I WOULDN’T say there was days to spare but an Sulaire is now ready for sea. The only full sized sgoth Niseach in existence has had a complete refit. She has a new sail over her and her ballast has been modified so it can be secured as low as possible. Her new buoyancy system was put to the test a few nights ago. Additional weight was placed to simulate engine, gear and fuel. She floated with a bit to spare .

The vessel comes from a line of open boats, developed in North Lewis for working lines up to 40 miles into the ocean. They were launched from tricky beaches between harsh headlands. Many people from the villages would line up to pass round boulders to be placed as low down as possible. The weight would make her more stable, under a single huge sail. The stones could be thrown overboard if they caught enough heavy fish. But if these boats were ever filled by waves, they would sink. . . .

To read the full log of the voyage, download the pdf from the link below.

An Sulaire Log – Ian Stephen

© Ian Stephen, 2007