Bob Dylan in Gaelic

6 Aug 2007 in Gaelic, Music

Gaelic is the Loving Tongue

RODY GORMAN describes his project to translate the songs of Bob Dylan and original country blues songs into Gaelic

A COUPLE of years ago I received a letter from the musician and songwriter Roddy Woomble about a project of his. He and his group Idlewild had worked with the poet Edwin Morgan and he’d had the idea of piecing a record together where Scottish writers wrote the words and musicians brought them to life – his words – with music.

He mentioned names such as Kathleen Jamie and Don Paterson as possible collaborators. Would I be up for writing lyrics for a song or two myself? Of course. Among the songs I sent him was a Scottish Gaelic version I wrote of Bob Dylan’s It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry [see full article].

Roddy Woomble’s project, The Ballads of the Book, snowballed and although there were no takers for the Dylan song in Gaelic – there weren’t any Gaelic singers as such involved in the project – he came back to me with the further idea of producing a CD of Gaelic versions of Dylan songs…

To read the full text of Rody’s article (8,000 words), download the pdf from the link below.

© Rody Gorman, 2007


Bob Dylan Songs in Gaelic
