Vicky Cristina Barcelona (12A)

6 Jun 2009 in Film

ALLAN HUNTER at the Movies

AUDIENCES have grown wary of Woody Allen. They seem to have decided that the glory days of Manhattan or Hannah And Her Sisters have gone never to return. His last few films may have done nothing to shake that prejudice, but Vicky Cristina Barcelona should lift the spirits of even his most critical admirer.

This frisky Spanish effort is sunny, smart and funny. It is lightweight but much more enjoyable than many a heavily touted, awards season venture.

Vicky (Rebecca Hall) and Cristina (Scarlett Johansson) are like characters out of a Henry James novel. They are both American and have decided to spend a summer soaking up the sunshine and the cultural life of Barcelona.

Cristina is a free spirit willing to try anything. Vicky is a more typically neurotic Allen character; cautious and soon to be married but troubled that she might be doing the wrong thing. The women meet Spanish painter Antonio (Javier Bardem), a smooth-talking charmer who invites them to join him on a romantic weekend.

It is is the beginning of troubling romantic dilemmas, that threaten to split the friends apart. The situation is further complicated by the arrival of Antonio’s unhinged ex-wife Maria, played by Penelope Cruz.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona covers familiar Allen territory of whether to follow the heart or listen to the head. It looks a treat and has a great cast. Scarlett Johansson’s role does nothing to challenge her, but Bardem oozes bad boy sex appeal, Rebecca Hall is very charismatic and Penelope Cruz steals every scene in which she appears as a completely unpredictable mixture of spitfire energy and self-obsession.

Even disillusioned Allen fans should set aside their misgivings and just enjoy a master at work.

Selected Nationwide release
© Allan Hunter, 2009

Director: Woody Allen
Cast: Rebecca Hall, Scarlett Johansson, Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz, Chris Messina, Patricia Clarkson
Screenwriter: Woody Allen
Certificate: 12A
Running time: 96 mins
Country: USA
Year: 2008