Time Out

7 Jul 2010 in Artforms, Crafts Blog, Regions, Visual Arts & Crafts


Cove Park

Time Out

This is the time of year when many of us try to take a break and escape from our usual routine by relaxing with family and friends, hoping to return refreshed and inspired.

How many of us devote that same attention to our working practice and take time away  to consider the direction we are going, the work we are creating and engage in conversations that push our ideas?

Many consider this an indulgence that we are too busy to address and this  is understandable when bills need to be paid, families cared for and life to be pursued.

Having the luxury of spending time to reflect alone or with like minded people, to assess and develop your work and to really take time away from  daily life (including family!) can be so beneficial.

We are delighted to be offering two Highland Craft residencies at Cove Park this year (through Rural Innovation Funding) and hope to do the same next year. We will watch and wait to see how our makers enjoy and benefit from the experience but I am confident that they will return inspired!

Cove Park is an international arts residency centre that allows artists working in all forms to undertake research, develop new project and take time away from ‘normal’ life.

 All the artists I have spoken with who have participated in Cove’s unique programme say that it is an incredible experience and one they look back on as a defining moment in their creative practice.

Places like this are so important and should be an essential part of any professional creative person’s development!

Perhaps those who are not so fortunate to be able to visit Cove Park should take note and build in time their diaries to take a break away from the day to day and to take time in a new location to concentrate on how their work is progressing.

 A sort of business and creative health check!

 Even events like Makers Days, exhibitions and trips to conferences can have the same effect – we are still counting the benefits from our Makers trip to Orkney last year, our visit to Stroud and countless makers’ visits through our Go and See and Makers Awards funding.

So please don’t make it an indulgence and make it essential! I look forward to hearing from you with your success stories.

