HI-Wireless Act (With the Aid of The Net)
29 Nov 2010 in Showcase, Writing
IF YOU would like the chance to write a ten minute radio drama, have it recorded by professional actors and then be made available online for the world to enjoy, why not apply to Hi-Wireless?
Hi-Wireless is a new online radio project that is being launched by Right Lines Productions. The writer-led production company has secured funding from Highland Literature Programme to create five short radio dramas for an online audience. One of the dramas will be written by the Right Lines team, Euan Martin and Dave Smith. Right Lines will then commission the four other dramas (one of which will be in Gaelic) from other Highland writers.
We are asking writers currently living in the Highlands and Moray to send in a CV and short 50 word synopsis of a storyline that they feel would make a great 10 minute radio drama. The best mix of ideas with the most potential will be selected by Right Lines and representatives from Highland Literature Programme.
These will then be commissioned and a fee of £400 will be paid to each selected author on completion of the piece. They will then be recorded by professional actors and be available as part of the new Hi-Wireless online drama series on Right Lines’ website, where they will be available to listen to or download.
As writers ourselves, we know what the world of competitions and speculative proposals is like – so we have deliberately asked for a very short synopsis so you don’t have to invest a lot of time in applying. All that matters is that you like your idea and are willing to make it into a ten minute drama by the end of January for a small fee.
Also, we hate hanging on to hear about submissions: “It’s not the despair that gets you, it’s the hope.” (as John Cleese said in Clockwork). So assuming there are sufficient entries, we hope to get back to you within 5 days of the deadline with the outcome.

If you are interested, below is the writing brief to give you an idea of the requirements of the project and the recording process.
The subject matter is completely open ended but should be suitable for a general listening audience.
The initial synopsis should aim to give a flavour of the piece so that a good balance of styles and subject can be achieved in the selection.
The running time should be 10 minutes.
The recording of all the pieces and post production will take place over a short period – three days. Scripts must be finished and ready to go by the time of production.
Each English piece will be performed by the same two professional voice actors, one male, one female, and any additional parts will be performed by them also. Two Gaelic actors will be employed for the Gaelic piece. The characterisation of all the dramas should take this into account, i.e. preferably two main characters (male and female), and not dependent on loads of subsidiary characters.
There will be some post production sound effects added as appropriate.
There is a fee of £400 for each of the four selected pieces. Acceptance of the fee will grant permission to Right Lines to make the material available online at their site and other selected sites to be streamed and downloadable.
Copyright will remain with the author and they will be able to use the material for any other purpose they wish.
Submission of the synopsis is by email to euan@rightlines.net
Only one submission per applicant please. The closing date for submission of the synopsis is 17 December 2010. Everyone will be informed by email of the results of the selection by 22 December 2010. The date for presenting the finished script is 31st Jan 2011. Recording will take place before the end of March and each piece will be released one a month, over the following 5 months.
We think this is an exciting opportunity and are keen that Hi-Wireless will become a long term project where short pieces of drama can be presented to a wide audience. We will be applying for other funding to sustain it, so meanwhile submit your idea, and be in at the start of this innovative project. Look forward to hearing from you.
HI-Wireless is supported by Creative Scotland, The Highland Council and HIE.
© Euan Martin and Dave Smith, 2010