Save the National Centre for Excellence in Traditional Music

4 Feb 2011 in Highland, Music

The Highland Council is proposing removal of its funding from the National Centre for Excellence in Traditional Music, based at Plockton High School, in a proposed wide-ranging cuts package.

The National Centre for Excellence in Traditional Music has been an integral part of Scottish traditional music for more than 10 years and has provided a pathway for many, including Fèis participants, to further study in their chosen musical discipline and, for those who chose it, a career in music.

We are asking you to support the campaign opposing withdrawal of funding from the National Centre for Excellence in Traditional Music by signing the petition here

The Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd a’ moladh taic-airgid a tharraing bho Sgoil Chiùil na Gàidhealtachd, stèidhichte ann an Àrdsgoil a’ Phluic, a-measg grunn ghearraidhean a thathas a’ cur air adhart.  Tha Sgoil Chiùil na Gàidhealtachd air a bhith na pàirt uabhasach cudromach de cheòl traidiseanta na h-Alba far còrr is 10 bliadhna agus tha i air slighe a thoirt do dhaoine òga, com-pàirtichean bho Fèisean nam measg, gu ionnsachadh aig àrd ìre nan roghainn de ionnsramaid no sgilean ciùil eile agus air adhart, dhaibhsan a dh’iarr a leithid, gu cosnadh ann an ceòl.

Tha sinn a’ sireadh ur taic an aghaidh maoin a thoirt air falbh bho Sgoil Chiùil na Gàidhealtachd le bhith ag iarraidh oirbh ur n-ainm a chur ris an athchuinge a tha seo

Source: Fèisean nan Gàidheal