Puppet Animation Festival in Argyll

20 Apr 2011 in Argyll & the Islands, Dance & Drama, Festival

The Puppet Animation Festival is once again coming to Craignish Village Hall, Ardfern, on the 22 & 26 April 2011.

Showing this year is :

Circus Invisible by Sokobauno Puppet Company on Friday 22nd April, 6pm

The Great Shanaz and Shirley Not present their truly unruly travelling troupe of invisible animals. Watch in wonder as the heavyweight hamster of the world, a mind reading goldfish and a tap dancing piglet perform their bizarre circus acts. These eye-boggling stunts will delight and bamboozle one and all! With puppetry, kinetics, magic and an original live sound track played out on a unique pedal-powered musical contraption.

For ages 4+ years

Tickets £4 and £3 available from 01852 500 746, cvh.artsevents@gmail.com


The Dragon of Krakov by the Clive Chandler Collective on Tuesday 26th April, 6pm

Featuring original music and stunning visuals, this Polish legend begins with an egg and ends with an explosion. A monstrous dragon comes to life and sets out to destroy but a clever young shoemaker saves the day.

Two workers enter a room and uncover the beginnings of an old story. As it unfolds they become caught up in the middle of it, making clever use of the objects around them to bring it to life in a series of magical transformations. They make huge shadows and project giant moving images, which they create in sand and liquids. This production is full of the kind of inventiveness which delights imaginative older children. Sometimes scary and frequently funny. Often loud then suddenly soft. Always full of surprises and sure to leave you with a smile.

For ages 8+ years

Tickets £4 and £3 available from 01852 500 746, cvh.artsevents@gmail.com

Source: Craignish Village Hall