The Nybster Broch Project

21 Apr 2011 in Heritage, Highland

This summer, Caithness Archaeological Trust, Auckengill Heritage Trust and AOC Archaeology Group will be running an exciting public archaeology and heritage project centred around Nybster Broch, one of the most spectacular Iron Age brochs in Caithness.

Situated on a dramatic coastal promontory, Nybster Broch is just one of many broch sites that have long provided inspiration for artists including John Nicolson (1843–1934).

The Nybster Broch Project aims to bring Caithness’s past into focus for everyone. Anyone wishing to take inspiration from the project and its awe-inspiring setting is warmly invited to come to the site during excavations and soak up the history and atmosphere of this fascinating 4000 year old village complex.

Auckengill Heritage Trust will be offering free traditional skills workshops, including weaving, and farming skills such as sheep shearing and dry stone dyking. More information can be found at will also be an accompanying series of talks and guided tours.

For more information on the project and the site, and to stay up to date with progress during excavations, please go to or

The Nybster Broch Project – funded by Heritage Lottery Fund, LEADER and Highland Council.

Source: Nybster Broch Project