Eugenia Vronskaya’s latest body of work at Kilmorack Gallery

24 May 2011 in Highland, Visual Arts & Crafts

Eugenia Vronskaya’s latest body of work will be shown at Kilmorack Gallery (near Beauly) from 5th August to 3rd September 2011.

A river is unstoppable on its journey to the sea. It is beautiful and dark, dangerous and comforting, but most of all it is always there, a witness to every event along its bank. This is the inspiration for Eugenia Vronskaya’s latest work, where the river is both literal, for the River Glass flows in front of her studio, and metaphorical. It is also a great body that not only witnesses her life, but also decides which parts of it will be picked-up and which will be left behind.

Vronskaya’s work is always autobiographical and this latest body is no different. It has taken three years to complete and it draws upon a depth of experience that started in Russia, where Vronskaya trained as a nine-year old icon painter. After this, Vronskaya attended the Moscow School of Art, Moscow Fine Art University and the Royal College of Art in London. She has exhibited in many of the leading galleries and has work in some of the best private and public collections (including the Tate, The Victoria and Albert Museum and the Pushkin.)

A catalogue will be available shortly.

Find out more by visiting

Kilmorack Gallery, by Beauly, Inverness-shire,  IV4 7AL
Tel: +44 (0)1463 783 230

Source: Kilmorack Gallery