Highland-Russia Connection Looking For Talent Show Entrants
30 May 2011 in Moray
The Highland-Russia Connection is holding a talent show as part of the Nairn Book and Arts Festival.
If you want to sing a Russian song, play Russian music, or perform a Russian dance then please get in touch with the organisers as soon as possible to get an application form. Contact Elena Reid on tel: 01667 456245 or email: elena.k.reid@homecall.co.uk .
The show itself takes place in Nairn Community Centre on 3rd September. The charity is also holding a Day of Russian Culture and The Highland-Russia Connection Ceilidh in Nairn on 10th September. To find out more, and to see photos from a recent event to celebrate Yuri Gagarin, visit the Highland-Russia Connection Facebook page at http://tinyurl.com/4yp74dw
Source: Highland-Russia Connection