Creative Scotland Roadshows- Cuairt Taisbeanaidh Alba Chruthachail

14 Jun 2011

Corporate Plan launch – Stornoway

Foillseachadh Plana Corporra – Steòrnabhagh

Let Creative Scotland share their vision. Creative Scotland invites you to attend a presentation and reception where they will share their vision for the arts, screen and creative industries and present their first Corporate Plan.

Roinnamaid ar sealladh. Tha Alba Chruthachail a’ toirt cuireadh dhuibh gu taisbeanadh agus aoigheachd far am bi sinn a’ foillseachadh ar sealladh airson nan ealain, an sgàilean agus gnìomhachasan cruthachail agus a’ taisbeanadh a’ chiad Plana Corporra againn.


Thursday 7 July

11- 1pm

An Lanntair Arts Centre

Kenneth Street




Diardaoin 7 Iuchar

11- 1f

An Lanntair

Sràid Choinnich



Live music and light refreshments provided.

Bidh ceòl beò agus blasad bìdh ri fhaighinn

Sign up for this event online

Clàraibh airson an tachartais air-loidhne

Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Booking closes at 12 noon, Wednesday 6 July 2011.

Chan eil moran àiteachan rim faotainn agus thèid an toirt seachad a-rèir mar a thig iarrtasan a-staigh. Tha clàradh a’ dùnadh aig 12m, Diciadain 6 Iuchar 2011.

Investment Surgery 9.00 – 10.30am

Freasdal-lann Seilbh 9.00 – 10.30 m

Prior to the roadshow they will be holding an Investment Surgery at An Lanntair to answer your specific questions about their Investment Programmes

Ron chuairt taisbeanaidh bidh sinn a’ cumail freasdal-lann seilbh aig An Lanntair gus ceistean sònraichte a fhreagairt mu na Prògraman Seilbh againn.

To book an appointment (up to 20 minute slots), please email: 

Gus coinneamh a’ chuir air dòigh (suas gu 20 mionaid), cuiribh post-dealain gu:

Before you attend an Investment Surgery they ask that you read the guidelines associated with the Investment Programme you are interested in.

Mus fritheil sibh Freasdal-lann Seilbh dh’ iarramaid oirbh an stiùireadh co-cheangailte ris a’ Phrògram Seilbh anns am bheil ùidh agaibh a leughadh.

 Source: Creative Scotland