Growth in Numbers at Gaelic Drama Summer School in Skye

4 Jul 2011 in Dance & Drama, Gaelic

24 Gaelic speaking teenagers are kicking off the summer holidays in Portree, Isle of Skye, for An Sgoil Shamhraidh Dhràma – the Gaelic Drama Summer School.  Organised by Fèisean nan Gàidheal the residential school is open to Gaelic speakers between the age of 14 and 18 and began on Monday 4th July and runs until Friday 15th July.

Now in its fourth year, the school continues to prove popular and, with the support of Highlands & Islands Enterprise and Bòrd na Gàidhlig, shows encouraging signs of growth for the future with the highest numbers of successful applicants to date.  The participants, from all corners of Scotland, can look forward to a fun-filled fortnight guaranteed to provide an excellent grounding in the various skills required of budding actors, writers and directors for both stage and screen.

Arthur Cormack, Chief Executive of Fèisean nan Gàidheal said: “Gaelic Drama is an excellent vehicle through which to engage young people in using the Gaelic language.  The Sgoil Shamhraidh Dhràma offers a great opportunity for young people to pick up acting and technical skills through the medium of Gaelic and it is hoped that there will be new opportunities for them to make use of those skills through BBC ALBA and other media in the future.”

“The original Sgoil Shamhraidh Dhràma was organised by Pròiseact nan Ealan and ran for several years successfully in Uist.  Many of those involved in the Gaelic media gained skills from the experiences offered then and Fèisean nan Gàidheal is delighted that, after reintroducing the event, the numbers have steadily increased and the event has become very popular”, he said.

With Artair Donald at the helm as the schools artistic director, both he and an expert team of tutors; Frank McConnell, Wilma Kennedy, David Walker, Roddy Nicolson, and Catriona Lexy Campbell will all be working hard to develop the participants talents with a view to producing an original performance piece to be showcased on the last night.

Opportunities to put their talent into practice on film will also be provided courtesy of the team at FilmG where the necessary skills and equipment will be provided to produce a short film for FilmG’s 2011 competition.  Hopefully the success of the Sgoil Shamhraidh Dhràma participants in the 2010 competition will be repeated.

A public performance of their work during the fortnight will be held on the last night of the Sgoil Shamhraidh at Studio Fàs, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig in Sleat on Thursday 14th July at 7.30pm.

Fèisean nan Gàidheal is delighted that MG ALBA are to be involved with the Gaelic Drama Summer School for the first time, a relationship which has provided the opportunity to use Studio Fàs as a performance venue and the benefit of technical support during the concert.  In addition to Gaelic drama, plenty of traditional music will be heard too as the performance night will be held in partnership with participants from Fèis Alba, which is taking place at the same time in Plockton, who will be going on to perform in around 100 Fèis Cèilidh Trail events over the next few weeks.

Tickets for the event are £6 and £3 concession. Children accompanied by an adult receive free entry.  For ticket information phone 01478 613355 or e-mail

An Sgoil Shamhraidh Dhràma is a Fèisean nan Gàidheal initiative supported by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Creative Scotland, Highland Council and Eden Court.

Further information on the Cèilidh Trails here – around 100 gigs in all –

Gaelic version

Tha 24 deugaire air toiseach-tòiseachaidh a dhèanamh air làithean-saora an t-samhraidh le bhith a’ nochdadh ann am Port Rìgh san Eilean Sgitheanach airson na Sgoil Shamhraidh Dhràma.  Air a cur air dòigh le Fèisean nan Gàidheal tha an sgoil fosgailte do luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig eadar 14 agus 18 bliadhna a dh’aois agus tha i a’ ruith eadar Diluain 4 agus Dihaoine 15 den Iuchar.

A-nise na ceathramh bhliadhna, tha an sgoil air sìor fhàs nas motha le taic bho Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ‘s nan Eilean agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig, agus tha comharran bronsachail ann gun cùm i a’ fàs san àm ri teachd leis an àireamh as àirde de thagraichean shoirbheachail a bh’ ann gu ruige seo.  Bidh na com-pàirtichean, a bhuineas do gach ceàrnaidh de dh’Alba, a’ coimhead air adhart ri ceala-deug a bhios loma-làn spòrs anns am faighear bun-stèidh air leth ann an caochladh sgilean a bhios feumail do chleasaichean, luchd-sgrìobhaidh agus luchd-stiùiriche ùra airson an àrd-ùrlair agus air beulaibh a’ chamara.

Thuirt Art MacCarmaig, Ceannard Fèisean nan Gàidheal: “The dràma air leth airson òigridh a bhrosnachadh a thaobh cleachdadh na Gàidhlig.  Tha an Sgoil Shamhraidh Dhràma a’ toirt cothrom dhaibh sgilean cleasachd agus teicnigeach a thogail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus thathar an dòchas gum bi cothroman aca an cuid sgilean a chur gu feum tro BBC ALBA agus na meadhanan eile san àm ri teachd.”

“Chaidh an Sgoil Shamhraidh Dhràma a stèidheachadh an toiseach le Pròiseact nan Ealan grunn bhliadhnaichean air ais agus ruith i gu soirbheachail ann an Uibhist.  Tha gu leòr a tha an-sàs sna meadhanan an-diugh a thog sgilean trom tachartas sin agus tha Fèisean nan Gàidheal air leth toilichte, an dèidh na sgoile ath-stèidheachadh, gu bheil na h-àireamhan air fàs agus gu bheil an tachartas gu math tarraingeach don òigridh”, thuirt e.

Fo smachd Artair Donald mar stiùiriche-ealain na Sgoile, bidh e fhèin agus an sgioba ealanta de luchd-oide aige – Frank MacConnaill, Wilma NicUalraig, Daibhidh Walker, Ruairidh MacNeacail agus Catrìona Lexy Chaimbeul uile ag obair gu cruaidh gus tàlant nan com-pàirtichean a leasachadh le sùil gun tèid dealbh-cluich ùr a thaisbeanadh air oidhche mu dheireadh na Sgoile.

Gheibhear cothrom an tàlant aca a chur gu feum air fiolm cuideachd le taic bhon sgioba aig FilmG far an tèid sgilean deatamach agus uidheamachd a thabhann gus fiolm ghoirid a riochdachadh a fhreagras air a’ cho-fharpais aig FilmG airson 2011. Bidh dòchas ann gun soiribhich leotha sa cho-fharpais mar a rinn compàirtichean na Sgoile Samhraidh Dràma ann an 2010.

Thèid toradh an cuid obrach tron cheala-deug a thaisbeanadh don mhòr-shluagh air an oidhche mu dheireadh den Sgoil Shamhraidh aig Stiùidio Fàs, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig ann an Slèite air Diardaoin 14 Iuchar aig 7.30f.

Tha Fèisean nan Gàidheal air leth toilichte gu bheil MG ALBA gu bhith an sàs sa Sgoil Shamhraidh Dhràma airson a’ chiad uair, càirdeas a th’air a’ chothroim Stiùidio Fàs a chleachdadh mar àite thaisbeanaidh agus feum a dhèanamh à taic teicnigeach tron chuirm.

A bharrachd air dràma Ghàidhlig cluinnear pailteas de cheòl tradiseanta leis gun tèid an oidhche thaisbeanaidh a chumail ann an co-bhonn le compàirtichean bho Fhèis Alba, a bhios a’ gabhail àite air a’ Phloc aig an aon àm, a bhios a’ dol air an rathad airson timcheall air 100 tachartas tro na Cèilidhean air Chuairt anns na seachdainean a tha romhainn.

Cosgaidh tiogaidean airson an tachartais £6 agus £3.  Gheibh clann còmhla ri inbheach a-steach an asgaidh. Airson fiosrachadh mu thiogaidean fònaibh gu 01478 613555 no cuiribh post-dealain gu

Source: Fèisean nan Gàidheal