Visual Artists Awards announcement
12 Jul 2011 in Argyll & the Islands, Highland, Moray, Orkney, Outer Hebrides, Shetland, Visual Arts & Crafts
Following the final deadline in May for the 2010/11 Visual Artists Awards scheme, HI~Arts is pleased to announce an additional round to allocate the remaining budget for the scheme for the financial year.
HI~Arts is offering two awards of up to £1,200 each.
All the normal criteria for this scheme still apply, but in addition HI~Arts will be looking for evidence that the proposal will make a significant and lasting difference to the creative and professional development of the applicant. For example, it’s extremely unlikely that an award would be made just to meet framing costs for an exhibition. The applicant’s work should also be of a very high standard.
Application should be submitted electronically to by 12.00 on Monday 8th August, for projects starting no earlier than 1st September 2011. Applicants will be informed of the decisions of the Awards Panel no later than Friday 19th August.
Full guidelines and application forms can be downloaded from the website by clicking here.
In association with Creative Scotland and Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Source: HI~Arts