When ye Kinge enjoyes his oun again: Music from 17th-century Scotland

20 Jul 2011 in Highland, Music, Writing

Using voice, historical harps and early woodwinds, The Art of Musick (James Ross and Bill Taylor) will perform a programme of Scottish music from the turbulent 17th century, interspersed with extracts from the extraordinary writings of Sir Thomas Urquhart on Saturday July 30th at 7pm at The Stables, Cromarty.

Although punctuated by civil war, regicide and religious strictures, this was also a time when wealthy Scottish landowners like Sir Thomas hugely enjoyed private music-making. Several musical manuscripts survive from both Highland and Lowland great houses, which constitute a sizeable solo repertoire for the Scottish lute, but there are also collections for cittern, fiddle, keyboard and mandore. Bill and James will perform 17th-century songs, airs and dance tunes from these sources, allowing us to enjoy the words and music Sir Thomas Urquhart might have heard during an evening’s entertainment in Cromarty 400 years ago.

This will be an evening of music that Sir Thomas Urquhart was listening to 400 years ago.

An unforgettable concert!

Tickets will cost £10 / £8 / £3 (children under 16)
Advance bookings can be made by phone on 01381 600354 or email at info@cromartyartstrust.org.uk

Source: Cromarty Arts Trust