Sabhal Mòr Ostaig Artist in Residence – Open Studio & Artist’s Talk
26 Jul 2011 in Highland, Visual Arts & Crafts
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig on the Isle of Skye invites you to “Come and meet the artist” and have a look at the work Ross Henriksen has produced during his 4-month residency on Tuesday 26 July 2011 from 10am to 8pm with an Artist’s Talk at 5pm.
Ross Henriksen grew up in Portree on the Isle-of-Skye. He studied Drawing and Painting at the Glasgow School of Art and has been a self-employed artist since the early 1990s. Living and working on the shores of the Lake of Constance in Southern Germany, Ross Henriksen is a fluent German speaker. He is also a German-English translator, interpreter and published poet in German. The interrelation between the German, English and Gaelic languages plays a large part in the conception of RH’s work: at present the beth-luis-nuin/ogham tree alphabet of the Pictish/megalithic inhabitants of the Isle-of-Skye is being employed as the foundations of his visual researches. A further focus of interest is the ‘interface’ between Hebridean pragmatism and the Second Sight; with the artist probing the psycho-geographical, social and spatial implications of parallel universes in relation to the literature, folklore and cultural heritage of the Western Isles as regards the esoteric theories of contemporary physics.
Gaelic version
Thogadh Ross Henriksen ann am Port Rìgh san Eilean Sgitheanach. Rinn e Peantadh is Tarraing Dhealbhan ann an Sgoil Ealain Ghlaschu is tha e air a bhith na neach-ealain ag obair air a cheann fhèin bho na 1990an. Tha Henriksen a’ fuireach is ag obair an cois cladach Loch Constance sa Ghearmailt. Tha e na eadar-theangair Gearmailtis-Beurla is tha dàin leis foillsichte sa Ghearmailtis. Tha ceanglaichean eadar Gearmailtis, a’ Bheurla is a’ Ghàidhlig nam prìomh chuspair ann an obair Henriksen: an-dràsta tha e a’ cleachdadh beth-luis-nuin/aibidil nan Cruithneach no tùsanaich nan tursachan Sgitheanach mar bhun-stèidh a rannsachaidh lèirsinneach. Tha ùidh aige cuideachd air a’ cheangal eadar cùram muinntir nan Eilean agus an Dà Shealladh; tha e a’ sgrùdadh nan domhan co-shìnte ann an seagh saidhco-cruinn-eòlach, sòisealach is farsaingeach is mar a bheir iad buaidh air litreachas, beul-aithris is dualchas nan Eilean Siar a-rèir teoiric neo-àbhaisteach ann an eòlas nàdair an latha an-diugh.
Source: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig