St Kilda Day

4 Aug 2011 in Gaelic, Heritage, Highland, Outer Hebrides

Visitors to Uig community hall on Friday the 5th of August 2011 will have an exciting opportunity to get an insight into the past of St Kilda, the interesting work being carried out by Historic Scotland on the islands right now as well as the plans for the future St Kilda centre in Uig.

Starting at 2pm, visitors to Uig community hall can choose from a selection of DVDs of archive and other films related to St Kilda and watch them in the hall.

From 3pm there will be a mini bus leaving from the hall to take visitors to the site of the proposed St Kilda visitor centre in Uig.

The events continue into the evening with a special presentation at 7.30 by Historic Scotland on the exciting cloud-point laser mapping they are doing on St Kilda which will create a 3D digital map of the island.

The demonstration will be followed by family cèilidh with stories and St Kildan folklore from Calum Ferguson and songs from St Kilda.

Gaelic version

Thigibh a chèilidh gus sùil a thoirt air Hiort mar a bha, mar a tha is mar a bhitheas!

Bidh cothrom sònraichte aig daoine airson sùil a thoirt air eachdraidh Hiort, an obair inntinneach a tha Alba Aosmhor a’ dèanamh air an eilean an-dràsta agus an làrach far a bheilear an dùil an t-Ionad ùr hiortach a steidheachadh Dihaoine 5mh den Lùnastal ann an Talla Choimhearsnachd Uige.

A’ tòiseachadh aig 2f bidh stòras mòr de fhilmichean ceangailte ri Hiort ri fhaotainn air DVD taobh a-staigh an talla agus faodaidh luchd-tadhail an taghadh aca fhèin a dhèanamh air na filmichean anns a bheil ùidh aca.

Bidh meanbh-bhus a’ fàgail an talla aig 3f gus cothrom a thoirt do dhaoine an làrach far a bheilear an dùil an t-Ionad ùr hiortach a steidheachadh fhaicinn.

Thèid na tachartasan a chumail a dhol air an oidhche cuideachd le taisbeanadh sònraichte le Alba Aosmhor air an obair “laser-mapping” a tha iad ga dèanamh an-dràsta airson dealbh 3D a chruthachadh den eilean.

Às dèidh sin bidh cèilidh thraidiseanta ann le Calum Macfhearghuis ag innse sgeulachdan agus beul-aithris à Hiort agus a bharrachd air a sin bidh ceòl is òrain bhon na h-eileanan as iomallach an Alba.

For further information please contact Janet Hay or visit

Source: Proiseact nan Ealan