Guardian selects ATLAS event as key destination

5 Aug 2011 in Highland, Visual Arts & Crafts

The Guardian newspaper has selected the Bàta Brèagha / Bonnie Boat event which takes place on the weekend of  the 10th September in Portree as one of the key destinations for September. In the first of a new monthly series looking at where to go when, The Guardian has picked six great trips for September, from Sicily to Cambodia to Skye. To read the feature, click on the following link:

ATLAS, who are organising this event  invite you to enjoy an unforgettable weekend in Portree, one of Britain’s most stunning bays, as the Celeste, a glittering sailing boat adorned by 60,000 inch square mirror tiles, beams a unique broadcast of songs and stories artists Zoe Walker and Neil Bromwich have been collecting in the Isle of Skye.

The artists’ new sound work Celestial Skye is the focal point for a packed day of events in Portree, including contemporary designer craft exhibitions, film screenings, dance performances, coracle-making workshops, water vessel races and broadcasting and sailing workshops. Come along for the weekend and enjoy some superb walking and the whole day of activities that will give Portree a flavour of fête by the harbour.

On the day you will be able to pick up a miniature radio device from Portree and tune in to Cuillin FM 106.2 & 102.7 to listen to enjoy the one-off soundscape artists Zoe Walker and Neil Bromwich have especially put together with the people of Skye, including poets, musicians and fishermen. You can then take to the zig zagging coastal path to Scorrybreac, a combination of late nineteenth century town houses and native woodland, with stunning views to Ben Tianavaig and the island of Rasaay, the old man of Storr and the Cuillin mountains, to enjoy this magical landscape accompanied by a purpose-built soundtrack.

Find out more about the event here:


ATLAS was established in 2010 to generate innovative and ambitious visual arts projects in Skye and Lochalsh. ATLAS is a platform for the creation of projects which are not fixed by, or to, a permanent gallery space. ATLAS aspires to generate vibrant contemporary art practice in the context of Skye and Lochalsh through high quality projects, incorporating educational work and involvement from the community in a variety of forms, and placing this work within a local, national and international context. ATLAS is funded by Creative Scotland and supported by HI-Arts. To learn more about ATLAS’s work go to