Timespan Arts Weekend

9 Aug 2011 in Highland, Visual Arts & Crafts

Timespan and guest curator Kirsteen Macdonald invites you to Helmsdale for a special event celebrating new projects by this year’s artists in residence Graham Fagen and Corin Sworn. As well as the exhibition of new work by Graham Fagen in Timespan’s gallery – made in response to his research in Sutherland throughout 2011 – there will be a programme of films and talks:

Friday 2nd September 7-9pm

Opening Reception: A chance to view Graham Fagen’s exhibition which includes a new HD film work by Graham and seven short films by local community members.

Saturday 3rd September 11am – 5.30pm

A full day programme of talks, screenings and live music linking to themes explored by Graham Fagen and Corin Sworn during their Timespan residencies this year.


Timothy Neat and Hamish Henderson’s The Summer Walkers from 1976 which looks at the traditional and vanishing lifestyle of travellers in the north of Scotland – the families who travelled Sutherland and Caithness when the yellow was on the broom. Amongst recordings of music and song, is footage of the itinerant tinsmiths, horse-dealers, hawkers and pearl fishers who made their living ‘on the road’, heirs to an ancient culture.

Artist Corin Sworn and archivist Jacquie Aitken discuss their approaches to working with historical and archival material, interpreting and attributing narratives to objects and information. Corin will also read a creative text written during her earlier experience of arriving to Sutherland.

Wounded Kneea singer and experimental vocalist who he has developed a keen interest in folk music and is currently exploring Scottish folklore in greater depth as one of three artists in residence at the University of Edinburgh’s School Of Scottish Studies; (www.archivetrails.com ). At Timespan he hopes to involve the audience in a rendition of a song that appears in Neil Gunn’s The Silver Darlings called “As The Rose Grows Merry In Time”, then lead a walking song across the Thomas Telford bridge to the Icehouse for some more tunes.

Graham Fagen will talk about his new HD film at Timespan in relation to previous works. Graham has often taken Robert Burns’ work as starting point for explorations into the Scottish diaspora and connections through other cultures and song traditions, such as taking Burns song to the east coast of Jamaica looking back across the sea towards Scotland.

We are happy to suggest itineries for further exploration of the local area on Sunday.

Book accommodation early as B&B rooms are limited in Helmsdale visit http://www.timespan.org.uk/visitor-information/helmsdale-district/local-facilities/

Everyone is welcome to this event, but spaces are limited. Please RSVP to director@timespan.org.uk

Source: Timespan