Monstrous Party Planned by Blas for Loch Ness Cruise

16 Aug 2011 in Festival, Highland

Anyone trying to link Para Handy, a (but not the) Queen and one of the world’s top pipers Allan MacDonald of Glenuig might be facing a challenge and a half. However, Blas 2011 festival organisers are succeeding where most would fear to tread and the Loch Ness Monster had better look out in just over three week’s, when one of the festival’s annual success stories is repeated.

“The Highland Voyage”, set on the famous Jacobite Queen, which has as its regular route the dramatic setting of Loch Ness and Urquhart Castle, is a wonderful evening’s entertainment, this year with a Para Handy theme. Devised and performed by Allan MacDonald of the famous piping brothers from Glenuig with invited guests, the annual cruise down Loch Ness on Friday September 9, with an appropriate level of culinary excellence provided by The Red Poppy, is always a must-have ticket for Blas aficionados.

Always a sell-out, only 45 tickets are available and should be purchased as soon as possible. Accompanied by Iain MacLeod, Allan MacDonald will be Para Handy for the evening, stoking the entertainment.

The Highland Queen has become one of the most notable events at Blas festivals and is being repeated by popular demand.  Festival Director Donna MacRae said: “We know that the tickets for this event will be very popular and I would urge anyone wishing to be on the cruise to get in touch with the ticket office as soon as possible. The Para Handy theme seems to be perfectly set up for Allan and with his foot on the tiller heading down Loch Ness, anything could happen and the one thing that is guaranteed is that the entertainment will be first class.  I am sure that if Nessie is due to make an appearance, the Glenuig pipes would be the best possible way of providing a serenade.”

MacDonald groupies in the Glenuig fan club should also note that the following evening Saturday September 10 – monstrous events on Loch Ness permitting – Allan and his two brothers Iain and Dr Angus will be leading the charge at the Empire Theatre Eden Court, along with other pipers, “Celebrating the Regal Pipe.” Joining them will be Mairearad Green, Angus MacColl, the world championship winning Oban High School Pipe Band (still celebrating their latest success at the Worlds in Glasgow last weekend) and Seudan – Angus Mackenzie, Angus Nicolson, Fin Moore and Calum MacCrimmon.

Further information about the Blas festival programme and how to purchase tickets are available on the festival website


Ailean Ghlinn Ùige, a’ Bhan-righ agus Para Handy air Bhòidse, ‘s tioram air tìr?

Chanadh cuid gum biodh e gu math doirbh ceangal sam bith a dhèanamh eadar Ailean Dòmhnallach Ghlinn Ùige, Para Handy agus Ban-rìgh sam bith, ach tha cothrom aig Ailean fhèin an toirt còmhla ann an suidheachadh buileach àraidh agus eireachdail aig Blas 2011, nach eil a-nis ach beagan is trì seachdainean air falbh.

Chan eil cus de thachartasan Fèis Blas bliadhna sam bith a tha a’ tarraing uibhir de dh’aire agus de dh’fhèill air tiogaidean ris a’ Bhòidse Ghàidhealach, am-bliadhna air Dihaoine 9mh Sultain, far a bheil Ailean a’ cur a stamp fhèin air turas cho eireachdail sa tha air a’ Ghàidhealtachd, sìos Loch Nis, seachad air Caisteal agus Gleann Urchadain air a’ bhàta Jacobite Queen.

Tha Ailean air turas na bliadhna seo a dhealbh a’ leantainn cuid de ne h-eisimpleirean agus feallsanachd a bh’ aig an sgiobair ainmeil Para Handy, agus ‘s ann dhà a thigeadh. Tha e air seata a chur air dòigh airson an turais agus a’ cumail taic ris bi am fear ciùil Iain MacLeòid.

A bharrachd air a’ chuirm-chiùil fhèin, tha aoigheachd gu leòr air bòrd an Jacobite Queen le Red Poppy – a tha air cliù mòr a chosnadh – a’ frithealadh a’ bhidhe.  Tha fèill mhòr air an turas bhliadhnail seo, a tha nis ainmeil air clàr thachartsan Blas, mar a mhìnich Stiùiriche na Fèise, Donna NicRath.

Thuirt i: “Tha fhios againn glè mhath gum bi fèill air na tiogaidean airson an tachartais a tha seo, agus mholamaid do dhuine sam bith a tha airson a bhith air bòrd fios a chur a dh’iarraidh tiogaidean cho luath sa ghabhas. Tha Para Handy cliùiteach gu leòr dheth fhèin, ach tha mi an amharas le cas an sgiobair à Gleann Ùige air an stiùir gum bi an turas sìos Loch Nis gu math inntinneach agus aighearrach.  Cha chuireadh e iongnadh sam bith oirnn ged a nochdadh uilebheist no dhà am measg a h-uile càil eile a bhios a’ dol.”

An oidhche an dèidh sin, Disathairne 10mh Sultain, bidh Ailean agus a bhràithrean Iain agus an Dr Aonghas, a’ gabhail ri àrd ùrlar Talla na h-Iompaireachd ann an Eden Court, cuide ri pìobairean ainmeil eile, airson cuirm a bhios a’ comharrachadh na Pìoba Rìoghail.  Cuide riutha bidh Mairearad Green, Aonghas MacColla, Còmhlan Pìoba Àrdsgoil an Òbain, a ghlèidh duais mhòr eile aig Farpais an t-Saoghail an Glaschu,  agus Seudan – Aonghas MacCoinnich, Aonghas MacNeacail, Fin Moore agus Calum MacCruimein.

Gheibhear fiosrachadh mu phrògram na fèise gu lèir agus diofar dhòighean air tiogaidean a cheannach bho làrach-lìn na fèise

Source: Fèisean nan Gàidheal