Fèis Fhoirt Summer Sessions | Seiseanan Samhraidh aig Fèis Fhoirt

22 Aug 2011 in Gaelic, Music

Fèis Fhoirt Summer Sessions | Seiseanan Samhraidh aig Fèis Fhoirt

Fèis Fhoirt has been running successfully throughout the Stirling and Falkirk area for the past three years, holding two annual traditional music tuition festivals for over 100 children aged 8-18.  At the Fèis children get the chance to learn a variety of musical instruments from highly experienced professional tutors, in addition to learning more about Gaelic language and culture.

There are 44 Fèisean which take place all over Scotland throughout the year, offering teaching to over 6,000 young people, and a number of them have developed annual Cèilidh Trails which give their most experienced fèis participants the chance to spend their summer touring their local area.

This summer, Fèis Fhoirt are aiming to begin such a venture in the Stirlingshire area with a pilot project called “Summer Sessions”.  Five of the most advanced musicians from the fèis will play various concerts, sessions and cèilidh around the area throughout August and September.  This will hopefully lead to a full scale Cèilidh Trail in Summer 2012 involving more local young people from the area.

Cèilidh Trails give participants the opportunity to learn more about a range of key skills that will be of use to them as they develop as aspiring semi or fully professional musicians.  As well as providing an opportunity for musical training, the trails give young people with similar interests a chance to share their creativity.

Following the Cèilidh Trail model, the Fèis Fhoirt Summer Sessions will offer employment and professional development opportunities to young musicians and work with local organisations and businesses to develop cultural tourism opportunities.  The Cèilidh Trails have established themselves over the last twelve years across the Highlands & Islands and this project will allow audiences in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs area to benefit from the skills of local, young musicians.

The Fèis Fhoirt Summer Session project is funded by Fèisean nan Gàidheal, Stirling Council and Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park.

Come and see these talented young musicians at any or all of the following dates:

Friday 2nd September – The Tolbooth, Stirling

17th September – National Park Doors Open Day, Balloch

17th September – The MacRobert Centre Stirling

23rd September –  Dunblane Hydro, Feis AGM

We will also be playing at some care homes in the area.

Further information from Siobhan Anderson 07919 923595


If you are interested in attending the Fèis contact John MacNeil at feisfhoirt@aol.com



Thòisich Fèis Fhoirt trì bliadhna air ais ann an sgìre Sruighlea agus anns An Eaglais Bhreac.  Tha i air a bhith air leth soirbheachail bhon uairsin ‘s chaidh dà fhèis a chumail làn le ceòl traidiseanta gach bliadhna airson suas ri 100 com-pàirtiche aois 8-18.  Chaidh an Fhèis a stèidheachadh airson cothrom a thoirt do chloinn sgilean ciùil ionnsachadh bho luchd-teagaisg ealanta agus a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn cultar na Gàidhlig agus a’ chànan.

Tha 44 Fèisean a’ tachairt ann an Alba rè na bliadhna, a’ toirt cothrom ionnsachaidh do bharrachd air 6,000, is chaidh na Cèilidhean air Chuairt a chruthachadh le cuid de na fèisean gus cothrom a thoirt do chom-pàirtichean nas sine a bhith a’ siubhal na sgìre ionadail aca fhèin mar luchd-ciùil proifeiseanta.

Às dèidh brosnachadh fhaighinn bho shoirbheas nan Cèilidhean air Chuairt, tha Fèis Fhoirt airson cuairt a thòiseachadh san sgìre aca fhèin air an t-samhradh seo. Bidh iad a’ tabhann cothrom do na com-pàirtichean aca eòlas taisbeanaidh fhaighinn le pròiseact ùr air a bheil “Seiseanan Samhraidh”, a’ cluiche consartan, seiseanan is cèilidhean timcheall na sgìre san Lùnastal agus san t-Sultain.  An uair sin, tha Fèis Fhoirt an dòchas gun tèid Cèilidh air Chuairt a steidheachadh an ath bhliadhna.

Tha na Cèilidhean air Chuairt a’ toirt cothroman do dh’ òigridh mòran sgilean eadar-dhealaichte ionnsachadh a bhios feumail dhaibh nuair a thèid iad air adhart anns an gnìomhachas-ciùil.  Còmhla ris an trèanadh a bhios iad a’ faighinn, bidh na com-pàirtichean a’ tighinn còmhla a’ toirt seachad na beachdan aca fhèin agus a’ cur seataichean ciùil ri chèile.

A’ leantainn modal nan cuairtean, bidh obair is cothroman proifeiseanta ann do luchd-ciùil òga, cuide ri obair le buidhnean ionadail is gnìomhachasan airson turasachd cultarail a bhrosnachadh.  Thairis air na dà bhliadhna dheug a chaidh seachad, chaidh na Cèilidhean air Chuairt a stèidheachadh air feadh na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean, agus bidh am pròiseact seo a’ toirt cothroman do luchd-èisteachd ann an sgìre Loch Laomainn agus nan Tròsaichean luchd-ciùil òga a chluinntinn.

Tha Seiseanan Samhraidh Fèis Fhoirt maoinichte le Fèisean nan Gàidheal, Comhairle Shruighlea, is Pàirc Nàiseanta Loch Laomainn is nan Tròisichean.

Source: Fèisean nan Gàidheal