Blas Festival Turns Over A New Leaf

26 Aug 2011 in Festival, Gaelic, Highland, Writing

For the first time since it started seven years ago, Gaelic literature and publishing is to have a key role at Blas 2011, which starts in two weeks’ time. Supported by Comhairle nan Leabhraichean, the Gaelic Books Council, various events are being staged to highlight some of the work being done by Gaelic writers.

Gaelic books and other materials will be available at a number of Blas venues such as Inverness Airport and The Boy and the Bunnet event at Eden Court in Inverness on September 13th.

The Gaelic Books Council will also be supporting a major event marking the 100th year since the birth of the great poet Sorley MacLean with two writers who have recently published new work on the poet, Derrick McLure and Peter MacKay, reading their own and the poet’s work.

This will be at the start of “Hallaig” which is being brought to Blas 2011 in conjunction with Urras Shomhairle, the Sorley MacLean Trust, in St Andrews Cathedral, Inverness, on Friday, September 16 with a further performance at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig on Skye the following evening.

The Books Council is also working with Gaelic publishers Acair on a book about the famous Campbells of Greepe and publication is expected soon. Meantime, a CD is being launched featuring their very special musical talents which will be paraded at Lochcarron in the Village Hall on Friday 16 September and then, fittingly in Dunvegan Village Hall, the Campbell’s home village, on Saturdays 17th.

The final day of Blas 2011, Saturday September 17, is a busy one for everyone, the Gaelic Books Council included. They are promoting an event at Eden Court where Niall O Gallacher, Donald “Ryno” Morrison and Catriona Morrison will be reading from their own unpublished works.

Rosemary Ward, Gaelic Books Council Director said: “The Gaelic Books Council is delighted to be playing a prominent role in Blas 2011, working alongside Fèisean nan Gàidheal. The festival goes from strength to strength and we are very pleased to be enabling a higher profile for Gaelic writers and publishing through this partnership.  The writers get a platform for themselves and their endeavours and the Books Council can display the wide range of Gaelic publishing and other materials which is now available throughout the Highlands.”

“The Gaelic Books Council believes that it is very important to highlight the impact Gaelic literature has had on our culture. We are delighted to be working with local groups, national organisations and internationally to promote all aspects of Gaelic literature.”

This year’s Blas festival will deliver nearly 100 cultural events in venues across the Highlands ranging from community halls to Inverness Airport, The Jacobite Queen cruise boat and Eden Court Theatre and the Blas 2011 Grand Finale on Saturday 17th, shinty’s big day in Inverness and the Scottish Hydro Camanachd Cup Final.

The full programme and information about several ways in which to buy tickets is available from the festival website


Duilleag eile ga thionndadh ann am Prògram Blas


Airson a’ chiad uair bhon thòisich Fèis Blas seachd bliadhna air ais bidh sgrìobhaichean Gàidhlig, fo sgèith Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean, an làthair aig tachartasan tron Fhèis a’ toirt togail do dh’ìomhaigh litreachas na Gàidhlig.

Bidh cothrom ann cuideachd leabhraichean Gàidhlig a cheannach agus Comhairle nan Leabhraichean a’ foillseachadh an stuth as fheàrr bho sgrìobhaichean aig tachartasan thall sa bhos, leithid aig Port-Adhar Inbhir Nis agus aig ‘Balach na Bonaid’ aig Eden Court, Dimàirt, 13mh Sultain.

A bharrachd air sin, bidh Comhairle nan Leabhraichean a’ comharrachadh ceud bliadhna bhon rugadh am bard Somhairle MacGillEain is dithis sgoilearan a th’air a bhith a’ sgrùdadh a chuid bhàrdachd, Derrick McLure agus Peadar MacAoidh, a’ leughadh cuid dhen bhàrdachd. Bidh sin aig 7.30f Dihaoine 16 Sultain ann an Cathair Eaglais an Naoimh Anndra an Inbhirnis mas phàirt den chuirm “Hallaig” a tha Blas a’ cur air adhart le taic bho Urras Shomhairle far an cluinnear ceòl ùr air a sgrìobhadh le Stiùbhart MacRath, agus luchd-ciùil eile, stèidhichte air obair Shomhairle.

Tha Comhairle nan Leabhraichean cuideachd ag obair ann an co-bhuinn ri Acair airson leabhar ùr air Caimbeulaich a’ Ghnìopa fhoillseachadh.  Tha dùil gu nochd an leabhar sin an ùne nach bi ro fhada ach aig Blas 2011, bidh na Caimbeulaich fhèin – Ceana, Seumas, Mairi-Anna agus Wilma NicUalraig, agus Magaidh Dhòmhnallach – a’ cruinneachadh aig tachartasan ann an Lochcarran agus Dùn Bheagain air Dihaoine agus Disathairne 16 agus 17 Sultain.

Agus air an latha mu dheireadh dhen Fhèis (Disathairne, 17mh Sultain) bidh Aonghas Dubh MacNeacail còmhla ri Niall O Gallacher, Dòmhnall ‘Ryno’ Moireasdan agus Catriona Mhoireasdan aig Eden Court an Inbhir Nis feasgar mar sgioba de bhàird nach eil air a bhith an clò fhathast a’ lìbhrigeadh an cuid obrach.

Thuirt Stiùiriche Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean Rosemary Ward:  “Tha Comhairle nan Leabhraichean air leth toilichte a bhith ag obair ann an co-bhuinn ri Fèisean nan Gàidheal aig Blas 2011. Tha an fhèis seo a’ dol bho neart gu neart gach bliadhna agus tron chom-pàirteachas seo tha sinn a’ toirt àrdachadh do dh’inbhe litreachas agus leabhraichean Gàidhlig aig an fhèis. Gheibh sgrìobhadairean Gàidhlig an cothrom an obair aca a thaisbeanadh agus tha e a’ togail ìomhaigh na Gàidhlig agus litreachas na Gàidhlig air feadh na Gàidhealtachd.

“Tha Comhairle nan Leabhraichean a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e cudromach aithne a thoirt don bhuaidh a bha, agus a tha, aig litreachas na Gàidhlig air ar dualchas.  Tha sinn ro thoilichte co-obrachadh le buidhnean ionadail, nàiseanta agus eadar-nàiseanta airson àrdachadh a thoirt do litreachas na Gàidhlig.”

Gheibhear fiosrachadh mu phrògram na fèise gu lèir agus diofar dhòighean air tiogaidean a cheannach bho làrach-lìn na fèise

Source: Blas Festival