Fèisean nan Gàidheal staff raising money for good causes
29 Aug 2011 in Festival, Gaelic
Having climbed Ben Nevis for charity in 2009, the Fèisean nan Gaidheal Adventures Committee are gearing up for a new challenge. On Saturday 3rd September they will be undertaking a sponsored walk over the Corrieyairak Pass which runs from Laggan to Fort Augustus – approximately 17miles.
The group of twenty walkers will include members of Fèisean nan Gàidheal staff, their friends and family and they will be fundraising for three good causes; road safety charity Brake, Ward 33 (Clinical Neurology) at Edinburgh’s Western General and Keir’s fund which will directly support the family of Keir McGruer, a young Fèis participant who suffers from Pulmonary Hypertension and is awaiting a heart and lung transplant.
In 2009 we raised around £4,000 for MacMillan Cancer Support and this year we are raising money for less high profile causes that have become personally significant to members of the group over the last year.
If you would like to support to our fundraising effort, please visit our Just Giving page – http://www.justgiving.com/fng1
For more information on our chosen charities, please visit the following websites-
Brake – http://www.brake.org.uk/
Pulmonary Hypertension Association – http://www.phassociation.uk.com/
Western General – http://www.nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk/OurOrganisation/AboutUs/OurHistory/Pages/WGHHistory.aspx
An dèidh làmh an uachdar fhaighinn air Beinn Nibheis ann an 2009, tha comataidh thachartasan Fèisean nan Gàidheal ag ullachadh airson dùbhlan ùr. An ceann ceala-deug, air Disathairne 3 Sultain, bidh iad a’ gabhail cuairt tionail a’ coiseachd thar Bealach Choire Ghearraig, a tha ruith eadar Lagan agus Cille Chuimein – còrr is 17 mìle.
Bidh buidheann de 20 luchd-coiseachd an sàs le cuid de luchd-obrach Fèisean nan Gàidheal, buill theaghlaich agus caraidean agus bidh iad a’ togail airgid airson trì diofar charthannasan; Brake – carthannas airson sàbhailteachd rathaidean, Ward 33 (roinn Ospadal anns an Western General ann an Dùn Èideann) agus Stòras Keir, a bheireas taic do theaghlach Keir McGruer. ‘S e com-pàirtiche òga den Fhèis a th’ann an Keir a tha a’ fulang le Pulmonary Hypertension agus tha e an-dràsta a’ feitheamh airson sgamhain ùra agus cridhe ùr.
Chaidh mu £4,000 a thog sinn ann an 2009 a thoirt seachad don charthannas Macmillan Nurses agus am-bliadhna thèid an t-airgead a thoirt seachad do charthannasan nach eil cho aithnichte ach a dh’fhàs dlùth ri co-fhaireachdainnean cuid den bhuill sa bhliadhna a dh’fhalbh.
Ma tha sibh ag iarraidh taic a’ chumail rinn, tadhal air ar duilleag http://www.justgiving.com/fng1
Source: Fèisean nan Gàidheal