News from an talla solais (October 2011)

24 Oct 2011 in Highland, Visual Arts & Crafts

an talla solais in Ullapool has released details of their up and coming events for November – December 2011. Please see below some of the details of these events:

Come for a cuppa (most days until November 4th)
Holly Keasey from Dundee is a resident artist at an talla solais this month. She is running an open-door policy during her stay here for people to come and chat or simply to have a look around and leave any thoughts they have on Ullapool, water and/or the support services. She’ll happily put the kettle on for you: consider yourself invited! You will find Holly in our Community Art Room but you may also contact her on / 07886 419104.

Art talk at the Argyll pub (3rd November 6.30 – 8pm)
The first talk of this winter’s Artangles season at an talla solais kicks off in the Argyll pub: Who/Why/Where is an artist in residence? Come for an evening of tea, scones and discussion to consider the idea of an artist in residence and their potential roles, with visiting artist Holly Keasey. No need to book.

DIY at an talla solais (November 5th from 10am)
an talla solais needs a good makeover and they are going to paint doors, ceilings and generally scrub up on Saturday 5th November 2011. Some extra hands would be a great help: if you would like to join them please get in touch as soon as you can – thanks.

3D Members’ Show submissions (November 12th 12-6pm)
Click here for the submissions form for this show, which is open to any type of 3D artwork: ceramics, jewellery, woodwork, metalwork, sculpture, bookmaking, glasswork, basketry and anything else you can think of. The show will open on November 17th for 4 weeks and promises to be a winter highlight!

Stained glass workshops with Diyanne Ross (November 26th/27th and/or December 3rd/4th)
Contact Diyanne Ross on 01854 622420 for more information about these weekend courses on stained glass.

Flock to the Hebrides
At last week’s Big Draw workshop at an talla solais lots of beautifully drawn birds were created which have now been posted north to join the Flock. The Flock started at the Equator several weeks ago, and birds have been sent northwards from all sorts of places. Artists in Stornoway are making their own birds this month, and when complete, the whole lot will fly back to Ullapool and then to London to be exhibited. To see pictures of the birds made here and elsewhere, and to watch their progress northwards, click here.

New shop at an talla solais
An Talla Solais is delighted that the Market Street Collective, a group of local artists and makers, will be launching a new shop here alongside the 3D Members’ Show. They hope this will be a venture that continues into the future. Please come along and support them: you are sure to be impressed by the quality and variety of work on sale.

an talla solais
Market Street
IV26 2XE
Tel: 01854 612310

Source: an talla solais