Exclusively Highlands at the Strathpeffer Pavilion
4 Nov 2011 in Highland, Moray, Visual Arts & Crafts
This weekend (Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th November 2011, 10.00am til 4.00pm) sees artisans from across the highlands gather at The Strathpeffer Spa Pavillion in order to exhibit and sell their wares as part of the Exclusively Highlands Craft and Food Fair. Arts, Craft and Foods come together under one roof – a lovely experience for all ages.
This is the first Exclusively Highlands Christmas Fair of the year and a chance to meet our brand new exhibitors for 2011 together with a diverse collection of crafts and foods from Exclusively Highlands. To view a list of artisans visit the Exclusively Highlands website and click on the ‘Artisans’ link: http://www.exclusivelyhighlands.co.uk/
Forthcoming Exclusively Highlands events are:
- Dunkeld Victorian Fair Saturday 12th & Sunday 13 November
- Eden Court 1 Friday 18, Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 November
- Brodie Castle Friday 25, Saturday 26 & Sunday 27 November
- Eden Court 2 Friday 2, Saturday 3 & Sunday 4 December
- The Town House, Inverness, Saturday 10th December
Thank you to Ruth Black of Anna MacNeil for getting in touch to let us know that she is taking part in these Exclusively Highlands events and she also told us that on Saturday 3rd December she is running a feltmaking workshop with a Christmas Decorations theme – booking is essential via info@annamacneil.co.uk or phone +44 (0)1463 831567.
Source: Exclusively Highlands