LORN Christmas Fayres

30 Nov 2011 in Argyll & the Islands, Visual Arts & Crafts

Local Origins Rural Network (LORN) has just issued its latest newsletter with details of up and coming events this December 2011.

They have two Christmas Fayres taking place in December at the Victory Hall in Benderloch. There will be a delicious range of fresh locally produced food and unique hand crafted creativity available for all your Christmas presents.

The first Fayre is on Thursday 1st December 2011 and there are two sessions: 10 am. to 3 pm. and 5.30 pm. to 8 pm.

The second Fayre is Thursday 15th December 2011 which will be open from 10 am. to 7 pm with the bar open with a ceilidh for the rest of the evening.

The LORN producers (based in North Argyll) use the following portal: http://lorncommunity.ning.com/  to share what they are going to be doing for each market, as well as their other produce and services. You can get hold of them at any time, to order things outside market days.

LORN also have an active Facebook and Twitter presence and welcome you to join in : http://www.facebook.com/lornargyll and http://twitter.com/lorntweets

LORN website: www.lorn.org.uk
Email: admin@lorn.org.uk

Source: LORN