Creative Scotland looking for views of independent performing artists and their producers

7 Dec 2011

Creative Scotland has commissioned research into the ways in which Scotland’s independent performing artists might best be provided with producing support. To that end, two surveys have been created:

If you are working as an independent artist or company making theatre, dance, physical performance, sonic arts or music-theatre, based in Scotland and creating work on a project basis, or without regular funding please fill in the survey at

If you are working as a producer/administrator/general manager/project manager on a freelance, employed or voluntary basis for one or a number of independent performing artists or companies (i.e. theatre, dance, physical performance, sonic arts and music-theatre makers) who are based in Scotland and who make work on a project basis, or who do not receive funding on a regular basis please fill in the survey at

Please also forward these links to anyone who falls into the above categories.

Source: Creative Scotland / Voluntary Arts Scotland