How the Land Lies: new film, photography and glass work by Alastair Cook

25 Jan 2012 in Highland, Visual Arts & Crafts

How the Land Lies is an exhibition of Alastair Cook’s recent film, analogue photography and glass work: it draws together work from his solo show Analogue Decay, exhibited at The Howden in April 2011, alongside the Five Seascapes Commission and most recently the Kilned Collodion work, a technique pioneered by Alastair while on residency at North Lands Creative Glass in Lybster, delicately combining wet plate Collodion photography and kiln-forming. At the opening event, Alastair will present screenings from his Filmpoem project with readings from the poets, accompanied by Italian composer Luca Nasciuti.

Alastair works predominantly with lens-based media as an analogue photographer concentrating on antique photographic technologies and as a filmmaker using 8mm and 16mm film, combining these with digital technology to great effect. His award winning film and photography is driven by his knowledge, skill and experience as a conservation architect: this mercurial work is rooted in place and the intrinsic connections between people, land and the sea.

10th February – 24th February 2012, Mon – Sat, 10am – 5pm

Out of the Blue Drill Hall, 36 Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh, EH6 8RG

Source: Out of the Blue