Beyond creativity – the business of music
16 Feb 2012 in Highland, Music
University of the Highlands and Islands Public Lecture at the University of the Highlands and Islands Executive Office, Inverness on Wednesday March 7th, 5.15pm – 7pm.
Everyone loves the face of music – the rock stars, the talent shows, the fashion – but what of the people who make it all happen?
What drives the creative entrepreneurs in the background who give us the big names and events? Where do they find inspiration, what challenges do they face and how do they know when they have found the “x-factor”?
Peter Honeyman, Subject Network Leader for Creative and Cultural Industries at the University of the Highlands and Islands, will be conducting a series of interviews with high profile experts from the creative industries in March 2012. The panel will consist of Joe Gibbs, founder of Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival and Rock Ness, Iain Hamilton Head of Creative Industries from Highlands and Island Enterprise, Norman Bolton Music Development Officer at Highland Council and Steve Robertson, music promoter and manager.
To book a place at this lecture or check video-conference links in your area, contact the events team on 01463 279344 or email
For more information on this event visit our web site
Thar cruthachaileachd: an gnìomhachas-ciùil
Oifis Stiùiridh UHI, Inbhir Nis
7 Mhàrt 2012
5.15f – 7.00f
Tha a h-uile duine dèidheil air na chì sinn de cheòl – na rionnagan ròc, prògraman tàlant, fasan – ach dè mu dheidhinn nan daoine a th’ air cùlaibh ghnothaichean?
Dè a bhios ag iomain nan luchd-tionnsgain cruthachail a bhios air cùlaibh ghnothaichean agus a’ toirt dhuinn nan ainmean agus tachartasan mòra? Càite a bheil iad a’ faighinn dùsgadh-inntinn, dè na dùbhlain a bhios romhpa agus ciamar a bhios fios aca nuair a lorgas iad an ‘X Factor”?
Bidh Peter Honeyman, Stiùiriche an Lìonraidh Chuspairean airson Ghnìomhachasan Cruthachail agus Cultarach aig Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean, a’ dèanamh sreath de dh’agallamhan le eòlaichean às na gnìomhachasan cruthachail sa 7 Mhàrt 2012. Air a’ phannal bidh Joe Gibbs, neach-stèidheachaidh nam fèisean Bhealadruim agus Rock Ness; Iain Hamilton, Ceannard Gnìomhachasan Cruthachail aig Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean; Norman Bolton, Oifigear Leasachaidh Ciùil aig Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd; agus Steve Robasdan, neach-sanasachaidh agus manaidsear ciùil.
Gus àite a ghleidhadh no fiosrachadh fhaighinn mu ghoireasan co-labhairt bhideo san sgìre agad fhèin, cuir fios gu Fòn 01463 279344 no cuir post-d gu
Source: UHI