
23 May 2012 in Ian Stephen Blog

In case you didn’t see it on Western Isles Libraries Facebook page – heres’ a new poem made in response to invitation from Kathleen Milne, team leader Western isles Libraries

Baltic traders in Stornoway


Dinny Smith comes home

Among the Bushrangers

The Gorilla Hunters

Two Years before the Mast

The Coral Sea

The Sea of Adventure


Northern Diver

From Russia with Love

And then there was John Sandwick

who steered you to the Baltic

(the books department, not the shoes).

You browsed, he smiled.

You’d read everything in the house

but you’d reached the age for tickets.

You read the books at the shelves

till they said you could take them home.

The lady librarian explained spines,

how they could snap

if you folded and squeezed down,

how dog-ears spoiled it for everyone,

how bookmarks were best.

For more information about Ian visit his website at

© Ian Stephen, 2012