Royal Conservatoire of Scotland – Programme Portfolio for Short Courses 12-13

7 Jun 2012 in Dance & Drama, Film, Music

The Short Courses programme at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland exists to support access to and participation in the wide range of performance and production arts specialisms at the Conservatoire. They also help widen participation by creating schemes, projects and partnerships to engage with communities of students less likely to take part. The short courses are designed to benefit all ages and stages of development, lifelong learners and also on-going professional development requirements in dance, drama, music, production, screen and teaching skills.

The 12/13 programme is available to download at . The portfolio details a range of short course options that can last from just a few hours to almost a full academic year, including:

 . Weekly Classes

. Specialist Studies

. Summer Schools

. Professional Development

. Learning Events, Open Days and Talks

For the first time in 12/13 the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland will offer credit-rated short courses as well as introduce the Junior Conservatoire – Modern Ballet and RAD ballet syllabus classes . They will continue to develop their action research interests in drama for people with autism and performers who are deaf or hard of hearing as well as pilot new ways to use technology within the delivery of the short courses.

Join the mailing list by contacting or visit on Conservatoire open days. Keep up to date with all detailed course information online.

The Conservatoire see your access to these opportunities as a key part of their core function and look forward to welcoming you in 12/13.

Source: Royal Conservatoire of Scotland