The work of George Wyllie to be celebrated at the Scottish Parliament

19 Jul 2012 in Visual Arts & Crafts

The work of George Wyllie, arguably one of Scotland’s most celebrated and unusual artists, has gone on display at the Scottish Parliament. The artist, who died earlier this year, was revered for provoking thought and discussion rather than providing answers.

The sculptures have been installed in the Parliament’s Garden and include:





Train of the standing stones;

A maquette of the Berlin Burd.

Tours of Wyllie’s sculptures will be open to the public and can be booked in July, August and September.

The life and work of the artist is currently being commemorated in a year-long celebration in what would have been his 90th year. Initiated by The Friends of Wyllie the celebration is aptly named the Whysman Festival.

The sculptures will be installed in the Parliament Garden until October.

More information on the tours, which must be booked in advance, is available from Visitor Services on 0131 348 5200 or email

Source: Scottish Parliament