Mary Bourne – The Slow Grind

3 Aug 2012 in Highland, Visual Arts & Crafts

Mary Bourne – The Slow Grind is to take place at Timespan in Helmsdale from 18 August – 29 September 2012.

The work in this exhibition explores ideas of time and cycles, of continuity and change, of man’s piercing perception of the beauty of nature. Stone is all around us, in our houses, our streets, under our feet always, everywhere – wherever we walk.

Water and wind grind rock. It is the thin layer of the earth’s surface that is continuously reshaped and altered, often on a scale beyond our perception. The Geology Garden at Timespan tells you this story of rocks forming over time.

As one of the best stone sculptors in Scotland, Mary Bourne makes us look at its qualities with a fresh intensity and, through her work, sharpens our sensitivity to our natural environment.

Exhibition:  18 August – 29 September 2012
Opening Hours: Mon – Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5

Dunrobin Street
T. 01431 821327