Announcing Dark Wood …

6 Sep 2012 in Argyll & the Islands, Dance & Drama, Film, Visual Arts & Crafts

Calgary Art in Nature

The evening of Sunday 7th October

The installation of 3 Giants in the Forest at Calgary Art in Nature in April has inspired several projects for local groups on Mull, from film-making, play writing and performance, drama workshops, crafts, lantern making and knitting. These giants were made by a company called Vision Mechanics in Edinburgh for a six month period in residence on Mull.

October sees the end of that period and we are planning a grand finale to mark that end with a flourish. Symon MacIntyre and his team from Vision Mechanics will transform the woods at Calgary with lighting effects to set the scene for a ‘scratch festival’ involving local people, called Dark Wood. Loosely based on Catriona MacLeod’s prize-winning play inspired by the giants, the event will lead audiences through the woods to happen across small performances as they progress along the path. Guides and Brownies will be making lanterns to light the way.

An Tobar is co-ordinating the event and is hoping to recruit volunteers to take part. Come along to An Tobar at 7pm on Sunday the 30th of September to find out how you could get involved. This will likely involve a few evenings at calgary in the week beginning 1st October, plus a day of rehearsals on Saturday and Sunday before the show goes live on Sunday evening. The evening promises to be memorable and spectacular, and fun! We are hoping to involve as many people as would like to take part, of all ages. We will be looking for actors, dancers, musicians, storytellers and extras! Let us know if you have a special talent!

Source: An Tobar