Creative Scotland announce new Locations Manager
6 Sep 2012 in Film
Creative Scotland is delighted to announce the appointment of Brodie Pringle as our new Locations Manager. Brodie will lead Creative Scotland’s Locations service, working to promote Scotland as a film and TV location and work in partnership with our local, national and international film and TV locations agencies to help producers and filmmakers work in Scotland.
Brodie joins Creative Scotland from BBC/Little Comet co-production where she has direct experience of working with directors, producers and a wide range of agencies in order to make films happen. Brodie’s recent filming credits include Under the Skin and World War Z and for TV, Doors Open and Hattie.
On the appointment, Kenneth Fowler, Director of Communications and External Relations said:
“Our Locations service continues to be a very important part of the Creative Scotland offering. Working directly with the national and international film industry and in partnership with our regional screen agencies is vital to effectively promote Scotland as a place to make films. With direct, hands-on experience of working in film and TV, Brodie brings with her the knowledge, ideas and positive energy to take our Locations work to the next level and deliver real benefits for the industry in Scotland.”
On taking up the role, Brodie Pringle said:
“Scotland has its breath-taking vista’s, amazing islands, castles and estates. Not only that but it also has amazing can-do crews, adaptable inner city locations and an active network of people dedicated to making it happen. What a great opportunity to take my on set experience and apply it to encouraging others to come and love filming in Scotland as much as I have.”
Brodie takes up the post of Locations Department Manager on 1 October 2012.
Source: Creative Scotland