Ceangal residency
18 Sep 2012 in Highland, Visual Arts & Crafts
The first week of the international artists residency project, Ceangal in Gairloch, Wester Ross has been a resounding success. Artists from Mexico, India, Germany, France & the US have joined local artists in a ground breaking fortnight of unrestricted art activities. With no major arts funding, just some assistance from the Highland Council and fundraising activities, the artists have funded their own travel and have been generously fed and accommodated within the community and through a variety of “in kind” donations, including some art materials from The Cumberland Pencil Company.
The initial impressions the artists formed during their first few days visiting many stunning scenic places in the local area is informing their on-going work. Some of the work will be in photographic form, some performance art, on site installations and sculptural forms. Some similar themes are emerging of the history, the clearances, and the raw natural landscape, also themes of faith, ritual and our relationship with the environment. The artists have learned to work with the often challenging environment and have embraced the culture and elements with some innovative work emerging.
This event has involved the local community in a variety of ways including art classes, a Ceilidh to raise funds for both the project and the Highland Hospice, drop-in sessions at the local Drill Hall (owned by the local angling club) which has been transformed into a temporary studio space, and regular updates on Two Lochs Radio and the local GALE tourist centre.
Ceangal director Lynn Bennett-Mackenzie has been interviewing the artists for a series of shows which are being broadcast twice weekly, and the artists were involved in a live radio show at the station on Sunday 16th September.
There have been regular artist presentations taking place in Gairloch Fire Station which will eventually be published on youtube, thus reaching a global audience.
The local community and businesses have been hugely supportive both in visiting the Drill hall to have a look at the works in progress, take part in drop in sessions, and supplying the artists with hospitality, donations and home-baking which has been very much appreciated!
An exhibition of the show will open on Saturday 22nd at the Gale centre 11am – 5pm. This preview is open to the public, and the show will run until the 6th October, open daily, 10am – 4pm, so please go along and see the progress!
More info on the blog: ceangalarts.blogspot.com, website:
The organisers of Ceangal are now looking to the future and building upon this successful pilot venture which has surpassed their expectations both in terms of community involvement and artistic inspiration. They will be documenting the project and publishing the results on the Ceangal website and blog
Source: Lynn Bennett-Mackenzie