New classes at The Clay Studio in Inverness
23 Nov 2012 in Visual Arts & Crafts
The Clay Studio is a new venue in Merkinch that offers a range of free classes to disadvantaged groups and individuals as well as public paying classes. If you would like to sign up for tuition in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere with one of their specialist tutors and experience different ways of working with clay then please get in touch with Allison or Catherine (see details below).
Adults with physical health problems 10-12 FREE
Adults with physical health problems 1-3 FREE
Public classes in working with clay (x4wks) 7-9 £40
Merkinch residents adult class 11-1 £3
Unemployed 16-24 year olds not in college 1-3 FREE
4 week class in throwing, handbuilding & flatwork 7-9 £40
Women’s group 1-3 FREE
Merkinch residents P4-P7 4-5 £2
Women’s group 7-9 FREE
Adults with mental health issues 10-12 FREE
Adults with mental health issues 1-3 FREE
4 week ceramic sculpture class 7-9 £40
Fortnightly childrens ceramic and craft class 2-4 £4
Saturday 1 December 10-3 will be a drop in session for people who wish to make Christmas presents or decorations. There will be a charge of £3 per item made.
If you are interested in attending or would like further information then phone Allison or Catherine on 01463 719712 or email:
The Clay Studio
33 Grant Street
Tel: 01463 719712
Source: Arts in Merkinch