Training opportunity for Fèis Tutors

7 Feb 2013 in Gaelic, Highland, Music

Cothrom trèanadh airson luchd-teagaisg nam Fèisean


Gach bliadhna, bidh Fèisean nan Gàidheal a’ deasachadh agus a’ toirt seachad trèanadh do luchd-teagaisg nam fèisean agus tha cùisean a’ tighinn air adhart gu snog airson seisean air leth aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig air 23 agus 24 An Gearran 2013.


Tha an cùrsa stèidhichte air ceòl, ach tha na modhan-teagaisg, taic agus prìomhachasan fìor agus freagarrach do chuspairean eile cuideachd. Tha trì ìrean ann, agus tha e comasach do dh’òigridh eadar 16 agus 18 tighinn air a’ chiad ìre, le cead.


Tha seisean-ciùil ann oidhche Shathairne, agus cothrom pragtaigeach Didòmhnaich. Ged a tha an dà latha trang, chan eil sinn a’ seachnadh spòrs nas motha, agus tha sinn a’ gealltainn gun còrd e ris a h-uile duine. Tha cuspairean mar “Blàthachadh”, Deasachadh airson Fèis, Dìon Chloinne agus Gàidhlig air a’ chlàr-ama, air a theagasg le Andy Thorburn, Val Bryan agus eòlaichean eile.


Gheibhear tuilleadh fiosrachaidh an seo

no bho Iona NicDhòmhnaill air 01478 614001 no


Training opportunity for Fèis Tutors


Every year, Fèisean nan Gàidheal organises and delivers training for fèis tutors and preparations are well underway for an excellent session at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig on 23 and 24 February 2013.


The course is based on music teaching, but teaching techniques, support and principles hold true for other subjects as well. There are three levels and young tutors aged between 16 and 18 are permitted on Level 1, by arrangement.

Subjects such as “Warm-ups”, Preparing for a Fèis, Child Protection and Gaelic are on the timetable, and taught by Andy Thorburn, Val Bryan and other excellent tutors.


An informal music session will be held on Saturday night (open to all), and an opportunity to practice teaching skills on Sunday. Although the two days will be very busy, we don’t forget the fun element and promise that everyone will have a most enjoyable time.


More information is available here

Or from Iona MacDonald on 01478 614001 or

Source: Fèisean nan Gàidheal