Village Voices in Good Tune
23 Apr 2013 in Highland, Music
Two years ago, the Village Voices group was formed as a result of people coming together who thought they couldn’t sing. In fact the original name of the group was the Can’t Sing Choir. However, since then the group has developed into confident, happy and harmonious singers with a healthy repertoire of great sing along songs. Gospel type songs, Scottish songs, ballads, country songs and hits from the past, African songs, silly songs and songs just to make you laugh.
The choir meets every week on Wednesday nights from 7pm – 9pm in the Gordon Memorial Hall, Rosemarkie.
There is no need to read music as all songs are taught by ear and harmonies develop easily.
There are just a few weeks left until the choir has a summer break so it’s an ideal opportunity for anyone who would like to try it out.
The songs are taught by Caroline Hewat who always enjoys the evenings as much as everyone else- ‘Singing is so good for people, it helps them relax and laugh and have fun while they are singing together. So if you only think you can sing in the bath, why not come along? Or if you ever wanted to be part of a group and just haven’t had the chance, come and join us!’
Contact Maureen Weir at 01381 620559 or email her on and she will let you have more information.
Source: Cromarty Arts Trust