21 Jul 2011 in Festival, Outer Hebrides, Reviews, Showcase
Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, 11-16 July 2011.
20 Jul 2011 in Festival, Music, Outer Hebrides, Reviews, Showcase
Hebridean Celtic Festival, Isle of Lewis, 13-16 July 2011.
15 Jul 2011 in Aberdeen City & Shire, Argyll & the Islands, Dance & Drama, Features, Highland, Outer Hebrides, Showcase
Marcus Roche is the director of Open Book’s new production of Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
12 Jul 2011 in Argyll & the Islands, Festival, Music, Reviews, Showcase
Various Venues, Isle of Mull, 3-9 July 2011
12 Jul 2011 in Highland, Reviews, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts
Inverness Museum & Art Gallery, Inverness, until 6 August 2011
12 Jul 2011 in Highland, Reviews, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts
An Talla Solais, Ullapool, until 31 July 2011
6 Jul 2011 in Features, Highland, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts
Christine Russell reports on a project to recreate Pictish stone carvings with pupils from Thurso High School.
4 Jul 2011 in Highland, Reviews, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts
H-I-C-A, Dalcrombie, Inverness, until 7 August 2011.
4 Jul 2011 in Highland, Reviews, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts
Inchmore Gallery, Inverness, until 9 July 2011.
1 Jul 2011 in Dance & Drama, Features, Gaelic, Music, Showcase
David Pollock explores the RSAMD’s burgeoning H&I connections with the Academy’s principal, John Wallace.