After 10 years of publication, 'Northings' (the monthly arts e-magazine for the Highlands & Islands) closed down in 2013 and is archived here. High Life Highland is pleased to enable this extensive body of work to remain accessible to the public. Please note, though, that material will not be updated or added.


Profile photo of Ian Stephen

Review by Ian Stephen

Sail Hebrides 2011 and Tall Ships

21 Jul 2011 in Festival, Outer Hebrides, Reviews, Showcase

David Skelly (now a Merchant Navy Cadet) skippers Jubilee to link with the Tall ships visit. (photo Nick Bowles)

Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, 11-16 July 2011.

Profile photo of Sue Wilson

Review by Sue Wilson

Hebridean Celtic Festival 2011

20 Jul 2011 in Festival, Music, Outer Hebrides, Reviews, Showcase

K T Tunstall salutes the crowd (courtesy Heb Celt Festival)

Hebridean Celtic Festival, Isle of Lewis, 13-16 July 2011.

Profile photo of North by North East

Feature by North by North East

NxNE: Marcus Roche of Open Book

15 Jul 2011 in Aberdeen City & Shire, Argyll & the Islands, Dance & Drama, Features, Highland, Outer Hebrides, Showcase

Marcus Roche, Cameron Mowat, Ewan Donald and Michelle Gallagher

Marcus Roche is the director of Open Book’s new production of Shakespeare’s Macbeth.

Profile photo of James Munro

Review by James Munro

Mendelssohn on Mull 2011

12 Jul 2011 in Argyll & the Islands, Festival, Music, Reviews, Showcase

The Aros Quartet formed on Mull last year

Various Venues, Isle of Mull, 3-9 July 2011

Profile photo of Georgina Coburn

Review by Georgina Coburn

Caroline Dear: entwined / suainte

12 Jul 2011 in Highland, Reviews, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts

Detail from Caroline Dear's 100 ropes

Inverness Museum & Art Gallery, Inverness, until 6 August 2011

Profile photo of Mandy Haggith

Review by Mandy Haggith

Fleet, Westland and Jason Hicklin

12 Jul 2011 in Highland, Reviews, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts


An Talla Solais, Ullapool, until 31 July 2011

Profile photo of Northings

Feature by Northings

Pictish Stone Carving Project

6 Jul 2011 in Features, Highland, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts

Jennifer Hardman at work on a stone carving

Christine Russell reports on a project to recreate Pictish stone carvings with pupils from Thurso High School.

Profile photo of Georgina Coburn

Review by Georgina Coburn

Grow Together: Concrete Poetry in Brazil and Scotland

4 Jul 2011 in Highland, Reviews, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts

Cristal Forma

H-I-C-A, Dalcrombie, Inverness, until 7 August 2011.

Profile photo of Georgina Coburn

Review by Georgina Coburn

HNC Contemporary Art Practice Graduating Exhibition

4 Jul 2011 in Highland, Reviews, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts

Work by Donna Polson

Inchmore Gallery, Inverness, until 9 July 2011.

Profile photo of David Pollock

Feature by David Pollock

RSAMD Making Connections in the North

1 Jul 2011 in Dance & Drama, Features, Gaelic, Music, Showcase

The Sabhal Mòr Ostaig campus at Sleat on the Isle of Skye

David Pollock explores the RSAMD’s burgeoning H&I connections with the Academy’s principal, John Wallace.

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