After 10 years of publication, 'Northings' (the monthly arts e-magazine for the Highlands & Islands) closed down in 2013 and is archived here. High Life Highland is pleased to enable this extensive body of work to remain accessible to the public. Please note, though, that material will not be updated or added.

Articles tagged ‘dunbeath heritage centre’

From the Museum Directory Museum

Dunbeath Heritage Centre

In Highland, Museums


The Centre provides a focus for the work of Dunbeath Preservation Trust.

Profile photo of Kenny Mathieson

Review by Kenny Mathieson

A Light In The North

5 Nov 2008 in Dance & Drama, Highland, Reviews, Writing

Dunbeath Heritage Centre, Dunbeath, 1 November 2008

Profile photo of Northings

Feature by Northings

Sourcing Dunbeath Water, the Oratorio

3 Oct 2003 in Features, Heritage, Highland, Music, Writing

Dunbeath Water 2

Librettist ROBERT DAVIDSON describes the genesis of Dunbeath Water, an ambitious oratorio inspired by the Caithness writer Neil Gunn