Using Posters to Promote your Event
16 Jul 2011 in Audience Development Blog, Dance & Drama, Festival, General, Music
Posters are a controversial issue, different people have different ideas of what works and what does not work. Of course one important factor for an effective Poster is the ‘white space’ left for venue details, dates and ticket availability when touring a production. Equally important is the impression that posters leave on potential audiences, do they communicate what the event is, and are they eye-catching?
I was given a huge array of Posters recently, some are fantastic, others not so much. Have a look for yourself, feel free to leave comments – which posters work best for you, what elements of design do you think all posters should have, where could companies have improved?
No prizes for guessing who gave you these 😉
A big thank you Jennie, it’s great to have lots of practical examples!