23 Apr 2012 in Festival, News, Outer Hebrides
Fèisean nan Gàidheal established a new event at Garenin with a slightly different take on the usual Fèis activities.
16 Apr 2012 in Argyll & the Islands, Festival, Reviews, Showcase
Isle of Jura, 8-9 April 2012.
16 Apr 2012 in Features, Festival, Music, Outer Hebrides, Showcase
Mike Scott is set to bring his W B Yeats project to the Hebridean Celtic Festival this summer.
13 Apr 2012 in Festival, Highland, Music, News
Downhill Downtown will feature King Creosote, The Phantom Band, Admiral Fallow, Stanley Odd, Bwani Junction and many more.
5 Apr 2012 in Artforms, Audience Development Blog, Blogs, Dance & Drama, Festival, Film, Gaelic, Heritage, Music, Visual Arts & Crafts, Writing
At the end of last month Facebook users saw one of the biggest refurbishments to the social network there has been, since it went global. The introduction of the Facebook Timeline has created a lot of controversy, as we all grapple with the changes to the design features of the site, while trying to continue to engage with our fans. Some love it, other’s hate it. But what kind of impact is this having on our pages and their abilities to connect with Facebook users?
9 Mar 2012 in Features, Festival, Highland, Showcase
Christine Gunn sets the scene for a celebration of folk culture in Caithness.
9 Mar 2012 in Festival, Highland, Music, News
The inaugural Inverness Whisky Tour takes place on the evening of Friday 6th April.
8 Mar 2012 in Festival, Gaelic, Music, News, Writing
Julie Fowlis and her band celebrate poet Sorley MacLean at the Bath Festival.
1 Mar 2012 in Argyll & the Islands, Festival, News, Orkney, Outer Hebrides, Shetland
Just when you thought the islands could do no more, along came March and a splash of great, live, traditional and contemporary music.
1 Mar 2012 in Festival, Highland, Music, News
goNORTH are set to host the second stage at the inaugural Brew at the Bog Festival on Saturday 5 May 2012.