After 10 years of publication, 'Northings' (the monthly arts e-magazine for the Highlands & Islands) closed down in 2013 and is archived here. High Life Highland is pleased to enable this extensive body of work to remain accessible to the public. Please note, though, that material will not be updated or added.


Profile photo of Georgina Coburn

Review by Georgina Coburn

Gillian Jones: New Watercolours and Original Prints

1 May 2011 in Highland, Reviews, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts

Avoch by Denise Collins

Castle Gallery, Inverness, until 21 May 2011.

Profile photo of Sue Wilson

Feature by Sue Wilson

Duncan Chisholm

1 May 2011 in Features, Highland, Music, Showcase

Duncan Chisholm

SUE WILSON hears how fiddler Duncan Chisholm is stepping into a new part of his creative life with his Highlands & Islands tour this month.

Profile photo of John Burns

Review by John Burns

Ed Byrne

29 Apr 2011 in Dance & Drama, Highland, Reviews, Showcase

Comedian Ed Byrne

Inverness Leisure Centre, Inverness, 28 April 2011.

Profile photo of Katie Laing

Feature by Katie Laing

Alyth McCormack

28 Apr 2011 in Features, Gaelic, Music, Outer Hebrides, Showcase

Alyth with Ron Emslie in rehearsal for Right Lines' Whisky Kisses

KATIE LAING caught up with Alyth McCormack ahead of her return to her native Lewis.

Profile photo of Jennie Macfie

Review by Jennie Macfie

Scottish Ballet: Alice

26 Apr 2011 in Aberdeen City & Shire, Dance & Drama, Highland, Reviews, Showcase

Tama Barry as the Mad Hatter, Amy Hadley as the Dormouse and Victor Zarallo as the March Hare in Ashley Page’s Alice.

Theatre Royal, Glasgow, 12 April 2011, and touring.

Profile photo of Ian Stephen

Feature by Ian Stephen

St Kilda World Heritage Day Project

25 Apr 2011 in Features, Heritage, Outer Hebrides, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts

An example of the pupil's art work from the project

IAN STEPHEN reports on the World Heritage Day collaboration with school pupils from Tarbert.

Profile photo of Mark Fisher

Review by Mark Fisher

Six Black Candles

22 Apr 2011 in Artforms, Dance & Drama, Highland, Reviews, Showcase

Carmen Pieraccini in Six Black Candles

Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh, 21 April 2011, and touring.

Profile photo of Barry Gordon

Review by Barry Gordon

The Shee

21 Apr 2011 in Argyll & the Islands, Highland, Music, Reviews, Showcase

The Shee in elegant pose

Edinburgh Folk Club, The Pleasance Cabaret Bar, Edinburgh, 20 April 2011.

Profile photo of Catherine Turnbull

Review by Catherine Turnbull

Orkney Book Festival: Simon Hall and Kevin MacNeil

20 Apr 2011 in Orkney, Reviews, Showcase, Writing

Orkney-based writer Nalini Paul

Simon Hall, Orkney Library, 16 April 2011 / Kevin MacNeil, Lynnfield Hotel, Kirkwall, 17 April 2011.

Profile photo of Mandy Haggith

Review by Mandy Haggith


18 Apr 2011 in Highland, Reviews, Showcase, Visual Arts & Crafts

Mary Somerville's Pylons and the Stilts Hut

An Talla Solais, Ullapool, until 8 May 2011.

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