Campbell Cameron wrote a new post, Coca Tenorio, on the site Northings 14 years ago
Corran Halls, Oban, 26 February 2011 THE UNITED Nations seem to have come together at the Corran Halls as Coca Tenorio and her band played to an enthusiastic audience. The Inverness-based Ecuadorian had assembled a superb band to augment her acrobatic vocals on the present Scottish tour. They had come from Colombia, Cuba, Argentina, Venezuela …[Read more]
Campbell Cameron wrote a new post, Fiddlers Bid, on the site Northings 14 years, 1 month ago
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 15 January 2011 TAKE four fiddlers, add a clarsach and a couple of guitars and you have the magical Fiddlers Bid. We in the Highlands were treated to some magical gigs, including a very special one in Oban with Catriona MacKay and Chris Stout earlier in the autumn, but as Stout says, […]
Campbell Cameron wrote a new post, Chris Stout and Catriona McKay, on the site Northings 14 years, 3 months ago
Corran Halls, Oban, 15 November 2010 CHRIS STOUT and Catriona McKay are a large part of Fiddlers Bid, the dynamic Shetland band. And it shows. The duo, whose new album White Nights is out now, also played An Tobar on the tour that is taking them as far south as Hemel Hempstead. Now together for 15 years, […]
Campbell Cameron became a registered member 14 years, 3 months ago