13 Jun 2003 in Features, Film, Highland
‘American Cousins’ is a new feature film made in Scotland, which will premiere at the Highland Festival. Film director DON COUTTS reflects on the making of the movie.
13 Jun 2003 in Festival, Highland, Music, Reviews
Crown Church, Inverness, Thursday 12 June 2003
12 Jun 2003 in Highland, Music, Reviews
Millennium Hall, Invermoriston, Wednesday 11 June 2003
9 Jun 2003 in Highland, Reviews, Visual Arts & Crafts
Inverness Museum & Art Gallery, until 14 June 2003 then touring
9 Jun 2003 in Highland, Reviews, Visual Arts & Crafts
Joan Eardley/ Toil Exhibition
9 Jun 2003 in Highland, Music, Reviews
Eden Court Theatre, Inverness, Saturday 7 June 2003
9 Jun 2003 in Dance & Drama, Features, Highland, Music, Visual Arts & Crafts
MARCUS WILSON investigates the weird and wonderful world of ‘Nub’.
6 Jun 2003 in Features, Festival, Highland
So what is this thing, Highland 2007? And is it worth getting out of bed for? BILL SYLVESTER reveals all.
4 Jun 2003 in Features, Highland
TOM BRYAN looks at the role of KATRINA GORDON as the Cultural Co-ordinator for Caithness.
3 Jun 2003 in Features, Gaelic, Highland, Music
Bha an Caidreachas Òrain Gàidhlig Màiri Mhòr stèidhichte le Comhairle na Gaidhealtachd o chionn còig miosan deug agus tha FIONA NICCHOINNICH, oifigear nan oran, air a bhith ag obair air pròiseactan an sàs le Seinn Gaidhlig.